Improving sequential recommendation with knowledge-enhanced memory networks


With the revival of neural networks, many studies try to adapt powerful sequential neural models, ıe Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), to sequential recommendation. RNN-based networks encode historical interaction records into a hidden state vector. Although the state vector is able to encode sequential dependency, it still has limited representation power in capturing complicated user preference. It is difficult to capture fine-grained user preference from the interaction sequence. Furthermore, the latent vector representation is usually hard to understand and explain. To address these issues, in this paper, we propose a novel knowledge enhanced sequential recommender. Our model integrates the RNN-based networks with Key-Value Memory Network (KV-MN). We further incorporate knowledge base (KB) information to enhance the semantic representation of KV-MN. RNN-based models are good at capturing sequential user preference, while knowledge-enhanced KV-MNs are good at capturing attribute-level user preference. By using a hybrid of RNNs and KV-MNs, it is expected to be endowed with both benefits from these two components. The sequential preference representation together with the attribute-level preference representation are combined as the final representation of user preference. With the incorporation of KB information, our model is also highly interpretable. To our knowledge, it is the first time that sequential recommender is integrated with external memories by leveraging large-scale KB information.

In The 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research & Development in Information Retrieval
Jin Huang
Jin Huang

My research interest focuses on trustworthy advice-giving systems for real-world applications, especially in high-risk domains, e.g., healthcare, news recommendation, and public services.